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Welcome to the Musikergilde's internet pages!

The Musikergilde is a non-profit organisation for active musicians and the largest pressure group for free-lance musicians in Austria.

Since its foundation in 1989, we have been working as a lobby towards improving the, in many cases, disastrous situation for musicians, composers and songwriters "still alive". At the moment 3300 members working in various musical fields benefit from the advantages of this joint representation.

Austria's lobby for musicians

Our services include mainly legal and tax-related advice, checking contracts, legal protection, plus we offer a list of male and female musicians with studio and/or live concert experience. We concentrate first and foremost on matters concerning labor law, social legislation and cultural policies and negotiate these topics with the government, the legislature and the authorities.

All active Musikergilde members are successfully involved in the music scene and have to deal with the problems directly. Everyday difficulties can often be solved by competent advice on the phone or via email - quickly and unbureaucratically.

By the way: You don't have to be a guild member to have access to our basic services. Specific areas of our online-service, however, are available only to those who have paid their membership fees. Solidarity pays and the annual fee of 36 Euro is kept as low as possible.

Presently our internet pages are available in German only. We are, however, planning to offer our services in other widespread languages (e.g. Klingonian) in the near future, too.

Contact address:
President: Peter Paul Skrepek
A-1050 Vienna, Gartengasse 22
Tel.: +43-1-544 55 99

Die Musikergilde

Unsere Partner

© 2025 Musiker-, Komponisten- und AutorenGilde