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Now playing: Zephyr

Harry Sokal Groove

Letzte Änderung: 30.11.2012

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Sokal, Harry (Harald Sokal)
Telefon 1: +43 (0)2216 849 60
Telefon 2: +43 (0)676 703 72 92
Fax: +43 (0)2216 848 5
E-Mail: harry(at)



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Harry Sokal ist eine der herausragenden und vielschichtigsten Persönlichkeiten des österreichischen Jazz. Wohl nur wenige konnten in den vergangenen Dekaden in so einflussreicher Form der heimischen Szene mit den Stempel aufdrücken, wie es der 1954 in Wien geborene Saxophonist getan hat. Es gibt kaum eine international bedeutende heimische Jazzformation, in welcher der 2005 mit dem Hans Kollerpreis ausgezeichnete und von vielen Experten der Szene als einer der wichtigsten "Post Coltrane" Saxophonisten in Europa bezeichnete Musiker nicht schon mitgewirkt hat. Harry Sokal ist ein Virtuose, der sich seine eigenen Freiräume schaffen will und für den der Begriff "Berührungsangst" ein Fremdwort darstellt.

When Harry Sokal, the stylistic chameleon, teams up with Raphael Wressnig, groove master on the Hammond B3 organ, and high-voltage drummer Lukas Knöfler, you've got a classic organ trio that fires up into an explosive jazz groove powerhouse of a very special kind.

Following his project Depart with Jojo Mayer and Heiri Känzig, Harry Sokal now presents Groove, a new power trio which makes the proverbial sparks fly. Inspired by the classic electric jazz sound, Harry Sokal's meeting with the young Hammond B3 organist Raphael Wressnig powers up into a jazz groove extravaganza, with continuous style changes and high points full of surprises.

Raphael Wressnig, who has been influenced by organists of the soul jazz era, creates his own explosive yet elegant style on the organ. In recent years, he has claimed a place as one of the hottest organists in the international jazz and blues scene. In addition to his work with a number of major international artists, his credits include tours with his own Organic Trio and the recently released Party Factor CD.

Harry Sokal unquestionably counts as one of Europe's most important "post-Coltrane" saxophonists. He has worked with a large number of European and American greats, including Art Blakey, Dave Holland, Terje Rypdal, Daniel Humair, Michel Portal, Mike Richmond, Minu Cinelu, Friedrich Gulda, Idris Muhammad, Joe Zawinul, Harry Pepl, Gene Jackson and Andy Mc Kee. As of 1977, he was one of the founding long-term members of the Vienna Art Orchestra and he played in the legendary Art Farmer Quintet from 1979-1999. He also initiated and directed a wide variety of projects with a panoply of national and international musicians, as well as his own projects, such as: Depart, Harry Sokal Full Circle, Harry Sokal Roots Ahead, Voices of Time and Stories ith Wolfert Brederode . In 2005, he won the Hans Koller prize for Musician of the Year and the annual Culture-Award of Lower Austria in 2010.


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Contemporary Jazz, Electric Jazz, Funk

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