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Letzte Änderung: 16.02.2016

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Erscheinen bei: ARTRUISM RECORDS




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After almost 5 years without see each other, we met with Nahuel and Nacho again in La Plata, Argentina, city I lived many years of my life, to record this instant session.
We decide to leave a register of our meeting before I come back to Europe and let the doors open for a new project.
In less than a week we composed and recorded the session.
For it I met and we had the honor to play with Martin Skrt in Double Bass, a wonderful musician and person, who improved the quality of the recording.
What you are hearing or going to hear it is the second rehearsal of this group. the circumstances had make impossible for us to meet another time, and in fact, it was the idea just record a fresh moment, so spontaneous as our meeting and our idea to do something again together.
Sometimes in life, I think we must just try it. I remember it were very stressful days for me in Argentina, personally, my family was disintegrating, reason because i went there, the country was almost on fire and I had witnessed, a few minutes before I must leave to the record studio, a gunfire between the police and some demonstrators in front of an official building and I was just thinking, although my body was producing big amounts of adrenaline, about go quickly away from that chaos because i was arriving late to the recording…
What I want to say is, that I felt our session, our ideas, our projects, were far away or disconnected in some point from the situation we had around us, or perhaps there is something, or still something of that in this instant moment.

Thanks very much to Mariano Zelada, who help us with his infinite talent and good sense of humor.

Enrique M. Thompson
Vienna, June 19th 2014
released November 3, 2014

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