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Point of no return

Letzte Änderung: 07.01.2014

Angelegt von


Erscheinen bei: Cd Baby




You Don't Know What Love Is
Slave to Love
Nobody Cares
There's Always a Better Way
If You Could See the Future
The End Is Near
Your Heart Will Be Free
Love Is the Key
All That's Left Is the Blues
Grain of Salt
Yes We Can
Point of No Return




Album Notes
Rudi Biber, born in Vienna Austria, became a plumber (not “Joe the Plumber”)
at his father’s business, but was always attracted to music – especially to his favorite instrument – the guitar. Early on, he started to learn the instrument; first he taught himself; later he mastered the instrument at music school in Vienna
At the age of 11 he formed his first band, “The Teenbeats”.

After a few years, while he improved his skills, he became friends with gipsy Guitarist Charlie Ratzer, they played together in several groups in Vienna and took advantage of this unbelievable music pool, which contained many talented musicians
like Peter Wolf, Harry Stojka, Kurt Hauenstein (Supermax) Andre Heller and many more.

In the 80s, Rudi founded the Black Lagoon Studios in Vienna, which quickly became popular. In the following 10 years, he learned to expand his musical career as a studio musician and recording engineer. He worked as an arranger and producer with Tony O’ Malley, Mel Collins Neal Hubbard ; Timna Brauer and Elias Meiri; Kurt Hauenstein – Supermax; Brad Howell ; Latoya Jackson; Joseph Bowie; Alexander Swete and Reza Naifar; Michio Woirgardt; and MoRos y Cristianos; just to name just a few.

In 1992, Rudi, Kurt Hauenstein, and Brad Howell (The Real Milli Vanilli) produced the Supermax album, “The Max is Going to Kick You” at the Hotline Studios in Frankfurt. The same team produced the Supermax Reggae album, “One and All” at the Black Lagoon Studios in Vienna in 1993. Rudi played guitar and Co-Produced on both albums. He also joined the Supermax band to promote their new music. The group toured together in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and Spain.

1999 right before the millennium Rudi moved to South West Florida, to follow up his passion: The Blues : He honed his musical skills, by playing the Blues Clubs in the Deep South together with all this sophisticated musicians of the Area

By 2010 Rudi moved back to Vienna Austria to continue with his music career, and launched his success full Band LOVEMACHINE touring Europe for the next two years. By 2011 they recorded their first Live album “ on the road again 2 “ which was released on CD BABY by September 2011.

2013 Rudi is back now with his latest Studio Album

“ Point of no return “

I hope you will enjoy my music . Played by the heart RUDI BIBER

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