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Johannes Maria Knoll - "transcended"

Letzte Änderung: 05.07.2024

Angelegt von


Erscheinen bei: House of Riddim Productions
» Anfrage zu dieser CD



01 creation
02 the fall of man
03 the great flood
04 confusion of tongues
05 exodus
06 the giving of the law
07 lucifer´s fall
08 his first coming
09 joy
10 temptation
11 the sermon on the mount
12 the triumphal entry into jerusalem
13 trials
14 the last supper
15 thirty pieces of silver
16 crucifixion
17 resurrection


Instrumentalsolisten, Hard & Heavy


Released 2016
After 25 years of working with various artists Johannes Maria Knoll decided to step into the front row to release his first instrumental guitar-album titled "transcended".
He is joined by two incredible musicians: Christian Eigner on drums and Gerald Schaffhauser on bass.

The 17 - mainly rock - tracks pay homage to "The Holy Bible" with all it´s force, it´s darkness, it´s distortion, it´s epic broadness, it´s catastrophies, it´s brutality, it´s treasons, it´s light, it´s cleanness, it´s philosophy, it´s morality, it´s hope, it´s glory,
it´s power, it´s kindness, it´s wisdom, it´s truth, it´s salvation and it´s

"My attempt was to create my personal soundtrack of "The Holy Bible"
- as I understand it -
After years of searching and floating through life I finally found rest and peace
in God and his son Jesus Christ who came in the flesh.
This record is my testimony!
...and it rocks!!!"

Johannes Maria Knoll

Johannes Maria Knoll - guitars, keys, programming
Gerald Schaffhauser - bass
Cristian Eigner - drums

recorded and mixed by Chris Scheidl
mastered by Martin Scheer
artwork by Sigrid Brandl

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